Your Unique Voice
Ask yourself, have you, “lost your voice”? It seems like an odd question, but is it really? Do you have a unique voice that is yours and no one else’s?
The Answer is YES, you have a unique voice. You just have to find it again.
The biggest issue is, over the years, your voice has been stuffed, deep down inside you. Your voice has been changed and modified by your surrounds, society, social media, family, friends, and co-workers to sound like society’s version of you.
Your Unique Voice is a compilation of several things:
Let me explain…
When we first begin speaking we mimic everyone around us. This is the way we learn to speak. We copy what we hear. This serves us well when we are learning.
Then once we have mastered language, the influences around us begin to alter what we say. We are told what we should think, say, and feel. These are times in which our voice mimics those around us because that is safe and brings less judgement.
We are so conditioned to please the people around us and tow their line that it seems awkward and uncomfortable to use our voice. We are fearful of being mocked. But, this discomfort begins to lighten the more you practice being you.
For most of us, we have to be more conscious of using our unique voices. It is in the times we feel most centered, grounded and connected to ourselves that our uniqueness come through.
Consider this and be mindful of your voice
Using your unique voice is a muscle that needs to be strengthened. The more you use it, the more comfortable it becomes to own it. Confidence begins to bubble on the inside and then show up on the outside. Dig deep and find that voice which has significant thoughts to share. Try not to be influenced by the voices around you.The world is waiting for you to share your unique voice.
Pamela Mulhearn is a Certified Life Coach and CEO & Founder of Her Podium®, Public Speaking Programs for Women. These are inspirational, supportive and nonjudgemental programs to grow your confidence.
Fear of public speaking is pervasive among women. Many are afraid to show they have fear because our culture rewards strength. The truth is, the quickest way to up level both your personal and professional life is to stand strong in your voice and become confident presenting in front of a group.
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