Remove the Mask
When you are in front of an audience, do you present yourself as the REAL YOU, or are you hiding behind a mask playing the part of someone else? Are you content and comfortable to be yourself, or are you looking left and right to see what others are doing?
You are Unique
We each have our own uniqueness and style but most of us do not show it. As teenagers, we want to dress, think, and act like the people we hang out with. As we mature, we begin to develop our own personal style based on who we are on the inside. Many people develop the style, but are still reluctant to remove the mask for fear of rejection.
Sitting in an audience listening to someone speak, you get a sense of who this speaker is. You can feel if they are caring, truthful, and interested in connecting. You will know if they are trustworthy and walking their walk, or if they are wearing a mask.
It is exhausting to look in the mirror and see what you want other people to see, not who you really are under under the mask. After years of wearing it, removing the mask is scary. You probably have grown comfortable in your role behind the mask. No more playing it safe, pretending or acting a certain way. Could it finally be time to present yourself as YOU?
Be authentic
The word used to describe a person without a mask is authentic. Our current culture over uses the word, and it has become watered down. But, the true meaning of the word authentic, is “genuine”. This core feeling of authenticity is the feeling you want to leave people with whether you are on stage or living out your day. When you are listening to a speaker who is genuine, the speech and the speaker become memorable.
Begin to live without your mask, it is FREEING and a confidence builder. Imagine all the energy you will have when you don’t have to pretend to be someone else. You can stand on stage as YOU and connect with your audience as the REAL YOU. A person with a unique personal style.
Pamela Mulhearn is a Certified Life Coach and Founder of Her Podium®, Speaking Programs for Women. These are inspirational, supportive and non-judgemental programs to grow your confidence.
Fear of public speaking is pervasive among women. Many are afraid to show they have fear because our culture rewards strength. The truth is, the quickest way to up level both your personal and professional life is to stand strong in your voice and become confident presenting in front of a group.
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