You Are NOT the Only One.
Strategies to Step out of your comfort zone.
How do you feel when you think about stepping outside your comfort zone?
Our human package comes with a resistance to change. Trying something new and putting ourselves out there in unchartered territory can be scary. Isn’t it just easier to stay safe? The flip side to staying safe is that it is also staying small. You can keep control of your life by staying small, but it is at the expense of opportunity.
When we are asked to step out from what is our “usual or normal,” anxiety rears it’s ugly head. It can appear in the form of physical or emotional symptoms. These symptoms can shut us down before we are even out of the gate.
Physical Symptoms:
Racing heartbeat • Sick to your stomach • Shortness of breath • Your brain seems disconnected from your body
Emotional Symptoms:
Lack of confidence • Fear of your anxiety being found out • Not feeling safe • Lack of situational control
Action Strategies
5 Strategies to stretch yourself and embrace opportunities:
1. Begin small. Take a baby step toward something that makes you feel uncomfortable.
2. Listen to your body’s cues. When we feel uncomfortable or feel anxiety our body tells us to listen up. Pay attention to how you feel.
3. If you are telling yourself you cannot do something out of fear. Take a moment to explore where this feeling is coming from. Did something happen in your past? Maybe someone said something to you to keep you safe, but inadvertently planted the seed of doubt in your mind.
4. Brainstorm a list of actions you would like to accomplish. (Sometimes, just getting it down on paper helps to diffuse some of the anxiety energy.) Prioritize the list. What are the first items you would like to accomplish. If you are feeling ready, put some dates for action next to a couple items.
5. Revel in YOUR success. When you stretch yourself take note of the success and celebrate it. This will help future steps feel less scary.
Life is short, embrace opportunity
Think of the opportunities you missed both personally and professionally because of fear and anxiety. Living a life of…I wish I had, or I should have is not living to your potential. Take that first step and see how your life shifts. You only have so many days, hours, and minutes in a life. How do you want to live it? Do you want to embrace life or stay safe?
As difficult as it is to take that first step outside YOUR comfort zone, the good news is that taking that first step starts the snowball effect. When you take action and have even a small level of success congratulate yourself. Build on this victory. And yes, “practice moves you forward”. You are not the only one. EVERYONE has fear about something. Try doing one thing that scares you today!
Have a Sparkling Day!
Pamela Mulhearn is a Certified Life Coach and Founder of Her Podium®, Public Speaking Programs for Women. These are inspirational, supportive and nonjudgemental programs to grow your confidence.
Fear of public speaking is pervasive among women. Many are afraid to show they have fear because our culture rewards strength. The truth is, the quickest way to up level both your personal and professional life is to stand strong in your voice and become confident presenting in front of a group.
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