Commencement Speeches
Congratulations Graduates
It is graduation season and this calls to mind shifting in our seats while listening to long winded and not so exciting speakers. But, occasionally there are times we are fortunate to hear a speaker that understood the power and value they held in their words and delivery. The commencement speaker that inspires an audience to think differently will have an audience that shares his/her message long after the gowns and mortar boards are stowed in the back of the closet.
Eight Elements
8 elements of a well CRAFTED and DELIVERED commencement speech:
1. Thank you’s (those that invited you, the graduates and attendees)
2. Begin with a relatable statement or question.
3. Expand on this statement or question…this will be the theme of your speech
4. Use HUMOR if it comes naturally to you. Laughter will raise the energy of your audience.
5. Make the speech about the graduates, not all about YOU.
6. Add a relevant and inspiring story (this is what the audience will remember most)
7. Keep it SHORT and ENGAGING (Everyone will thank you)
8. Close with a final thought or question for the audience to consider as they move on with life.
Wrap it up with Inspiration
Keep in mind this opportunity to speak to graduates is a power you have been given. Keep it positive and up lifting. It is an honor to give a commencement speech. Enjoy the experience!
Have a Sparkling Day!
Pamela Mulhearn is a Certified Life Coach and Founder of Her Podium®, Public Speaking Programs for Women. These are inspirational, supportive and nonjudgemental programs to grow your confidence.
Fear of public speaking is pervasive among women. Many are afraid to show they have fear because our culture rewards strength. The truth is, the quickest way to up level both your personal and professional life is to stand strong in your voice and become confident presenting in front of a group.
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