Break Through the New Year’s Guilt
Each year around this time, we are barraged with news, social media, and our own inner guidance system with thoughts and information about how our lives could be better.
DO NOT pile on more guilt about the things you are doing, or not doing….Lose weight, eat healthier, exercise more, read more, find a partner, change jobs, change location, set goals, etc. etc.
Where do you start? It is all overwhelming.The best way to take on the emotional straight jacket the New Year brings is to evaluate using two parameters:
Break down what is really going to up-level your life.
Evaluate if this change is doable and sustainable for you.
First, decide if something is going to up-level your life. What are the things you could do that would have the greatest impact to improve your life?
For me, this year the biggest item to up-level my life is to create opportunities for Her Podium to reach more women.
At the end of last year, my coach asked me, What is REALLY important in your life right now? My immediate response was, I do not want any woman to have the fear of public speaking that used to keep my world safe and small. The next question was, Is this doable?
Secondly, Is this change doable is important because the last thing you need is, to pile more emotional, time-consuming baggage onto your limited bandwidth. We are all too busy as it is.
Ask yourself this: Is this change important enough that you cannot see your life without it anymore?
Here is your challenge…
What, in your life, would you like to change?
Will this change up-level your life? And, how?
Is this change doable? How are you going to stay the course in making this change?
Make a mental picture of your life with this change and refer back to this picture when you are challenged to take your eye off the ball.
Anything is possible if you want it enough. You can do this. Is keeping your life status quo really the fulfilled path?
Pamela Mulhearn is a Certified Life Coach and Founder of Her Podium®, Speaking Programs for Women. These are inspirational, supportive and nonjudgemental programs to grow your confidence.
Fear of public speaking is pervasive among women. Many are afraid to show they have fear because our culture rewards strength. The truth is, the quickest way to up level both your personal and professional life is to stand strong in your voice and become confident presenting in front of a group.
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