Introverts Can Be Great Speakers Too!
What is an Introvert? If you are one, you probably already know the answer. Introverts are not comfortable in the spotlight, they are more comfortable with their inner thoughts rather than what is happening externally. To an introvert, being the center of attention feels like wearing wool on a 90 degree day. You just don’t feel comfortable and would prefer to fade into the background. So where does that leave you when you have an important message to share with an audience? Keep on reading…
Introverts & Public Speaking
Public speaking is a learned skill. YES, there are some people who are born ready to take the stage, but it is far from the majority. You can learn how to be an engaging speaker.
Introverts can be AMAZING public speakers, but getting out of their comfort zone can be more challenging than it is for extroverts. Self promotion and the spotlight are uncomfortable. They are much better interacting one on one. However, being more comfortable one-on-one does not preclude an introvert from making a big impact in front of an audience. Below are five considerations for introverts:
You probably know more than you think you do, so introverts should rely on their expertise in the area they are speaking on.
Speaking to an entire audience can be daunting to an introvert. Instead, speak to one person in the audience. This makes the presentation more of a one-on-one conversation.
Introverts tend to be much more prepared to present, while extroverts tend to wing it because they are chatty. This can be a crutch for extroverts, and while they may make it through the presentation, they might not come across as a polished public speaker.
Practice starting small and then, build. Practice, practice and a little more practice will help you to feel confident in what you are presenting and how you will deliver the information.
There is one more attribute that many introverts have which is really a gift when it comes to public speaking. HSP (highly sensitive person) is a personality trait that many introverts have. Being an HSP gives people who have the gift an added ability to “read the room”. They can gauge the energy of the audience and adjust their presentation a little on the fly as they are presenting.
Introverts can be amazing speakers. Their expertise on the topic, and dedication to practice will serve them well. If you feel like you might be an introvert and want to become a better speaker, find a class that will support and inspire you to take your speaking to the next level.
Pamela Mulhearn is a Certified Life Coach and Founder of Her Podium®, Public Speaking Programs for Women. These are inspirational, supportive and nonjudgemental programs to grow your confidence.
Fear of public speaking is pervasive among women. Many are afraid to show they have fear because our culture rewards strength. The truth is, the quickest way to up level both your personal and professional life is to stand strong in your voice and become confident presenting in front of a group.
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