Everything you need to know about
Public Speaking Confidence
and More…
What is an Introvert? If you are one, you probably already know the answer. Introverts are not comfortable in the spotlight, they are more comfortable with their inner thoughts rather than what is happening externally. To an introvert, being the center of attention feels like wearing wool on a 90 degree day. You just don’t feel comfortable and would prefer to fade into the background. So where does that leave you when you have an important message to share with an audience? Keep on reading…
When we first begin speaking we mimic everyone around us. This is the way we learn to speak. We copy what we hear. This serves us well when we are learning.
Our human package comes with a resistance to change. Trying something new and putting ourselves out there in unchartered territory can be scary. Isn’t it just easier to stay safe? The flip side to staying safe is that it is also staying small. You can keep control of your life by staying small, but it is at the expense of many opportunities.
It is graduation season and this calls to mind shifting in our seats while listening to long winded and not so exciting speakers. But, occasionally there are times we are fortunate to hear a speaker that understood the power and value they held in their words and delivery.
Isn’t it interesting how you have one perspective about your life as you are moving forward one foot in front of the other, and then when you glance in the rearview mirror you realize how far you have actually come.
When you are in front of an audience, do you present yourself as the REAL YOU, or are you hiding behind a mask playing the part of someone else? Are you content and comfortable to be yourself, or are you looking left and right to see what others are doing?
Each year around this time, we are barraged with news, social media, and our own inner guidance system with thoughts and information about how our lives could be better.
Imagine the most crippling fear possible when having to present in front of a group and then multiply it by 1000. Welcome to my world prior to Taming the FEAR!
We think a lot about what you are going to say during a presentation, but let’s check in about what the audience members might be thinking as they are sitting in the audience.