Why Her Podium was Created
Imagine the most crippling fear possible when having to present in front of a group and then multiply it by 1000. Welcome to my world prior to Taming the FEAR!
It felt like I had monkeys jumping in my brain
Each time I was asked to present, if I actually made it to the microphone, I was wishing there was a bucket next to the podium because I was so sick to my stomach. And having a portable defibrillator on standby would have been a comfort to my poor over-beating heart.
The jumping monkeys in my brain would tell me, I had no business presenting in front of a group because no one was interested in what I had to say. And I didn’t know enough to present. Who did I think I was?
The thought of making eye contact with the audience would just confirm that they were all bored and considering all the other places they could be instead of listening to me. Places as painful and boring as pushing a grocery cart full of food with active toddlers hanging onto the cart sides would be better than listening to me speak. Those monkeys were having a judgement party in my brain.
Tame your Fear
Her Podium was created so that any woman who wanted to tame her fear would have a safe space to practice and polish her public speaking skills. Some women are born with the skill and enjoy presenting in front of a group, but the majority of us are not. The good news is, finding your unique voice and having the confidence to present in front of an audience can be a learned skill.
Once you take that first step to tame the fear of public speaking, you have already put the monkeys on notice. It will take a while for your confidence to surface, but with practice, the confidence does show up.
Best selling author, Malcolm Gladwell, popularized the idea that 10,000 hours was the number it took to become proficient at a skill. This was, “the magic number of greatness”. You may not need 10,000 hours to start feeling confident in front of a group, but know that with each hour you practice, you are a step closer to becoming proficient.
This rule is true for any area where you want to improve. For me, it was public speaking. It took a while to become more confident, but I am well on my way to my 10,000-hour goal and now I assist women on their public speaking journeys.
Pamela Mulhearn is a Certified Life Coach and Founder of Her Podium®, Speaking Programs for Women. These are inspirational, supportive and nonjudgemental programs to grow your confidence.
Fear of public speaking is pervasive among women. Many are afraid to show they have fear because our culture rewards strength. The truth is, the quickest way to up level both your personal and professional life is to stand strong in your voice and become confident presenting in front of a group.
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