Learn how you can empower your voice.
Join us for our Info Session on 4/28/2020 @7pm ET
“Her podium has been a wonderful platform to develop my voice! As a wife, mother, spa owner, voice artist and philanthropist I have found “Her podium” has given me the extra confidence boost to process and express my heart. I have seen both areas of my life professional and personal flourish! It is wonderful to be a part of a club of ladies that want you to shine and become your personal best. I would encourage anyone that is interested in growing in confidence as a speaker or in their current role in life to explore what “Her podium“ has to offer!
You won’t be sorry!”
You are…. Tired of hiding in the wings out of fear of being asked to present to a group. You make every excuse possible, to avoid public speaking. How has your current level of confidence been serving you?
You feel….Physical Symptoms when asked to speak in front of a group:
• Racing Heartbeat
• Sick to your stomach
• Sweating
• Brain and tongue disconnect (word jumbling)
• Tightening of your throat
• Turning red
• Forgetting to breathe
• etc., etc., etc.
You feel….Emotional Symptoms when asked to speak in front of a group:
• You lack confidence in your ability.
• You do not deserve to be presenting to a group.
• You believe you are not smart enough.
• You believe you are not knowledgeable enough.
• You do not feel strong in your voice.
• The audience would not be interested in what you have to say
uplevel your life…
You WISH ….You could embrace opportunities to speak in front of a group with confidence, so you would not longer feel fear when asked to present. Imagine how your life would be different.
You are READY to ….Find your voice and Tame your FEAR of public speaking. You have waited too long already. At what age do you think you should draw a line and say ENOUGH? Now is the time to take charge of the fear.
You are EXCITED to ….Finally, take that first step to get confident in your voice. You have been thinking about signing up for a program but have not found the course that feels comfortable, until now. This Tame the FEAR™ virtual course is different because you are surrounded by supportive, inspiring and non-judgemental women all on their own speaking journeys.
Some women are fortunate to be born with the confidence to enjoy public speaking, but the majority of us have the FEAR! The GOOD NEWS is, this confidence can be a learned skill. Her Podium can assist you in developing this skill.
In this 12 week program, you will be given the tips, tools, skills and practice time to become more confident in both impromptu and prepared presentations.
Join us for our info session on April 28th, 7pm ET to learn how we can help you feel Empowered in YOUR Voice.
Ways YOU will Benefit
Develop YOUR own authentic speech style so you can present like a Boss Lady!
Learn to think quickly on your feet so you may present confidently without preparation.
Get organized and clear on speech structure, and how to create engaging content.
and receive kind, constructive feedback.
About Pamela Mulhearn, CPC
Hi…I am Pamela, Founder of Her Podium® and the Tame the FEAR™
This Program was created for women just like you.
You are checking out this public speaking program because you want to feel more confident in your presentation skills. I understand and know what it is like to have a crippling fear of presenting in front of a group. In the beginning of my speaking journey, my experiences involved full on avoidance. I would do anything I could to make myself unavailable to speak. I lived small and scared and it was paralyzing both personally and professionally.
I finally took charge, and signed up for a program. I was starting from the very beginning with public speaking. I eventually felt more confident and then decided to create speaking programs exclusively for women. I wanted a space for women to build their confidence in a supportive, inspiring and nonjudgemental environment. I do not want any woman to live with the fear that I experienced.
The Tame the FEAR™ program is a virtual public speaking program. You might wonder if you get the same experience virtually as you do in the in-person programs. The answer is YES. The fear of public speaking in-person in front of an audience, or on your laptop is the same. Confidence can be built using either mode of presentation. The majority of the fear is not created from how you are speaking to the audience, but instead how you will be received when you give of yourself.
You can get more confident with public speaking. It is up to you if you want to continue to live in FEAR or to tame it.
Let’s have a conversation about how Tame the FEAR™ will change your life.
A bit more about The Program
Tame Your FEAR™
The Tame the FEAR™ virtual program will give you all the tools you need to become more confident in your voice and presentations. With each speech you will get more comfortable. You will begin to find your style and hone your skills, in both your delivery as well as your speech organization and writing.
Meeting Details
•We will meet via Zoom® video conference 12 times over 4 months. There are a limited number of participants in this program, so there are lots of opportunities to present and receive kind, constructive feedback from your fellow club members.
•The curriculum is a comprehensive workbook designed to help you get proficient in speech craft and delivery. Included are the tools needed to help you create engaging speeches and present like a pro. The curriculum will be shipped to you prior to our first session.
•You will have opportunities to present at each meeting. There are impromptu speeches and exercises designed to help you think quickly on your feet. The prepared presentations allow for you to practice and hone your public speaking skills. You will receive kind constructive feedback from your peers so you will improve each time you present.
Is This the Program for YOU?
If you have been shopping for a program, you already know there are several public speaking courses available, so how do you know if this is the one for you? If you are looking for a comprehensive program that will boost your confidence in front of an audience, then you are in the right place. If you are looking for a course that will help you with both, your speech craft and speech delivery, you are in the right place. If you are looking for a supportive, inspiring and nonjudgemental group of ladies also on their own speaking journeys, then you are in the right place.
Let’s get started
If you are READY to Tame the FEAR™ and become confident and empowered.
Step 1. Sign up for our Info Session on April 28th here.
Step 2. If you are ready to change your life and sign up now, then let’s have a conversation. Where are you now and where would you like to be? What is holding you back from your potential? Sign up for an appointment to chat with Pamela here.
This Program will UPLEVEL your life in so many ways.
Imagine walking to the front of a group with the confidence and the skills to present like a Pro.
The Cost for this 4 month program is a one time payment of $249.
Doors close to registration on May 3rd.
Included in the Tame the FEAR™ Program:
12 virtual meetings over 4 months (3 meetings per month).
The Curriculum - a comprehensive workbook with exercises, prompts and tips to craft and give engaging presentations.
Impromptu speech opportunities to help you feel comfortable thinking quickly on your feet.
Prepared presentations (You will write and practice presenting speeches to our group).
With each practice you have a chance to develop your own speaking style.
Each time you present, you will receive valuable feedback from the other members of the program as well as from Pam.
The opportunity to find your UNIQUE voice so you may share your gifts with the world.
Learn about how you empower your voice.Join our info session on 4/28/2020 @7:00pm ET
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