(She Writes Accountability Group)

What is the one thing that will solidify your expertise?
What will get you speaking gigs, and higher paying speaking gigs?

YOUR BOOK!!! Yes, being a published author is a game changer for your expertise. It highlights what subject you are an EXPERT in and sets you up as the go to source for information. A book sets you far apart from the competition for speaking opportunities.

Do you have a book or two in you just aching to be released into the world, but you can’t seem to find the time to sit down and get it done? SWAG and it’s accountability is a game changer.


Does this sound like you?

🖊 You have a book or two that you have been thinking about for year, but have never acted on. You have not taken the time to sit down and get it written.
🖊 Does it seem daunting to think about completing the project?
🖊 Does doing this project on your own with no one to bounce ideas off, make it more difficult?
🖊 Are you unsure of how and where to get started?
🖊 Do you need accountability to get it DONE?

The Details

• We meet twice per month (Total 6 sessions)
• Each group member will have time to discuss her sticking points, block, thought and questions. You will receive feedback, our thoughts and ideas to help you keep the momentum going.
• You will set objectives or goals to achieve for our next meeting.
• You will be part of the SWAG FB group where writing into, tips and strategies will be posted to help you stay on track. This also allows you to post in the group and get feedback.
• You will be interviewed on your topic to help you mine out the GOLD.
• We will have 3 Worksprints (1/mo to get ultra focused).
• Cost of this 3 month program is $395.
• Our next GROUP begins in June.

You don’t have to be alone on this journey, this accountability group is here
to support YOU!


If you are ready to GET IT DONE and join us in June, click the Join button.
If you want to have learn more, have a conversation with Pamela.