Empower Your Voice
(Intro to Public Speaking)
Feeling empowered to speak up and use your voice to introduce yourself and deliver even a small presentation will change your life. In our program, we meet you where you are on your speaking journey. If you want to be able to speak up at your child’s PTA meeting or deliver a presentation at work this class is the first step to feeling more powerful.
The majority of people in the world are held back from using their voice by two things. First, the physical symptoms, i.e., racing heart, sweating, nausea, forgetting to breathe, etc. Secondly, there are the emotional symptoms, i.e., I am not smart enough, I am not worthy of presenting to an audience, who would want to listen to me, and having an overall lack of confidence. Does this sound familiar?
The GOOD NEWS is... feeling confident in your voice can be a learned skill. Imagine feeling comfortable in what you are saying, and how you are saying it. If you are not born with this skill, you can learn it. Is it YOUR time?
You will present 4 prepared presentations with a length of between 5 to 10 minutes each. All class members will be working on the same presentation at the same time. There are prompts in the workbook to get your creative writing juices flowing. At the end of each presentation, you will be given feedback from each member of the class. All feedback must be kind and constructive.
Impromptu speaking opportunities are at the top of the fear list for most women coming through a Her Podium® Program. Most women have the fear of, what will I do if the Boss calls on me or, what if I am asked to speak last minute . At each class meeting there will be multiple opportunities for Impromptu presentations. We make these impromptus FUN in the form of games, exercises & prompts.
The Details
• 8 week program meets virtually.
• Small, supportive, non-judgemental, and inspiring group of ladies.
• Exploration of Limiting Beliefs… What is holding you back from using your voice? Where did the fear come from?
• Impromptu exercises to speak confidently off the cuff.
• 4 prepared presentations with kind and constructive feedback.
• Tips, tricks & skills to deliver with confidence.
• Comprehensive program includes workbook.
• Cost of this Program is $695 ($500 deposit to hold your seat, the balance of $195 due the next month).
• Date of next class TBD (Contact Pam to get on the waiting list).
Empower a Woman’s Voice &
She Can Change the World
Does this program sound like it might help you gain confidence?
We want to hear about your speaking journey so far and your speaking goals.
Let’s have a chat.